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About The Mrs.



                             Allyson A. Robinson is a 23-year-old newlywed born                                    in Detroit, MI. Mrs. Robinson spent majority                         of life as a singer beginning as with gospel in her childhood                         and pre-teens, but began her career as a classical musician as                        she entered into high school. Graduating with her high                      school diploma from Renaissance High School, she obtained                          a scholarship to attend Kentucky State University, where                         she became active in the Opera Music Workshop along with                         the Kentucky State Concert Choir, where she held the position                        of Alto Section leader, as well as Miss Concert Choir her                          senior year. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree                       in Music with a Specialization in Vocal Performance, along with gaining a powerful relationship with Christ, discovering purpose and destiny in Him. Her fire for Christ began to grow as she moved to Lexington, KY to attend The University of Kentucky to obtain her Masters in Vocal Performance. But something changed...

After losing her father to Alzheimer's her first semester, Allyson had no choice but to look to God for strength. She was also dealing with a vocal issue of her own called nodules, which prohibited her from singing her first year of graduate school. Without singing, Allyson had to discover her true identity, and she found it in Christ.

After attending The University of Kentucky for a year and half, Allyson decided that this was not the route God had for her. Though it was truly a gift from Him, it was not the way He had made for her. She withdrew from school to focus on Christ and His will for her life.

In the middle of her transition from her will to God's will, she met a young man by the name of Quincy Robinson at their church in Lexington, KY. From their first conversation, they both knew that something was different about this one. After 8 months of constant conversations, frequent visits from Lexington, KY to Berea, KY, they decided to marry. Though many disagreed, Quincy and Allyson knew what God said and were wed December 31, 2012.

Allyson has begun her work on two books, as well as her blog Chronicles of A Young Wife , which discusses real love, purpose, fashion, testimony, and tales from her journey. She is also in the beginning stages of forming a young women's after school program entitled The Queen's Academy which deals with Educating and Embracing Young Women on Their Way to Finer Womanhood.


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